The effect of climate change will eventually affect everything on earth if not addressed, the MD of Fox Cooling Company Ltd, has said.
Mario Yazbeck, speaking on the matter, stated that human activities such as deforestation, burnings from fuel, coal, oil, and gas have been the main cause of climate change in the world.
According to him, reports on Global warming evidently show that the earth is now about 1.1°C warmer than it was in the past.
He further cautioned that as concerned citizens, we must collectively work together to combat the consequences of climate change which now includes intense droughts, water shortage, fires, rising sea levels, floods and disastrous storms which are harmful to human existence.
In recent times, global warming and climate change have become an important issue that has received global attention.
This is because the earth is an interconnected setup, where, changes in one area can influence changes in all others.
Amongst the few who have shown concern on the subject matter is the Fox Cooling Company MD.
Mr. Yazbeck mentioned that one way through which climate change can be checked is by controlling the energy systems used in the country.
He said Fox Cooling as part of its effort to protect the environment ensures that it does not focus on simply acquiring and using good quality equipment, but also ensures to use good quality equipment that “heals” rather than harms the environment.
Mr Mario said, “By associating with Fox Cooling, you automatically improve your own green print and together we heal our environment sustainably, so we can own it for our future businesses”.
Fox Cooling Company Ltd is one of the leading HVAC industry and the official distributors of leading brands like Daikin air conditions, Sodeca ventilation and Tecnair close control in Ghana and across West Africa.